Hi! My name is Max Roberts and I'm an aspiring filmmaker based in Bedfordshire and Gloucestershire. I specialise in the camera department, and have worked on numerous projects as a camera trainee, 2nd AC, 1st AC, and cinematographer.

I always loved crafting visuals for films whilst directing, but when I got the exciting opportunity to be the cinematographer on Unknown Language, a social realist drama revolving around a distance father and his young son, I found such a deep love and rush for all aspects of the camera side of filmmaking, and have continued in the field ever since, working on student projects, independent short films, and even some operating for the BBC last summer.

My hope is to be able to do what I love and be a part of other people's stories that they feel impassioned to tell.

For any enquiries, contact me at: 



I hope to collaborate with you soon!


An up-to-date CV with a selection of projects and a list of cameras/softwares I've worked with
A collection of work from the narrative pieces I have been a part of
An up-to-date CV with a selection of projects and a list of cameras/softwares I've worked with
A collection of work from the narrative pieces I have been a part of
An up-to-date CV with a selection of projects and a list of cameras/softwares I've worked with
A collection of work from the narrative pieces I have been a part of


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